Way OT - Trex Sux!!!
Thinking of building a new deck this Spring, now that you are fit and energetic again? How about a composite decking material? Better than wood, never needs maintanance, good for the environment.... How about the Cadillac of composite decking; Trex??
So went our line of thinking, about four years back, when trying to decide on a small deck for our small backyard and small budget. It cost a premium... but I would never have to bend my fat ass over to sand or treat redwood again We purchased about $1200 of Trex decking + concrete, rebar, pressure treated wood for the framing, deck screws, got tooled-up... and put alot of blood, sweat, and tears into the construction.
About a year and a half later it started bubbling up and rotting
As no one had ever heard of that happening, I decided that it was an anomaly.... and would take my lumps and replace it again, as it was still under warranty. Thus began a frustrating and laborous process of getting replacement decking. Home Depot was as useless as tits on a bull - and Trex turned a deaf ear to my pleas. After almost a year of correspondance, letter writing, and ultimately threats of legal action I finally received boards - and an insulting $100 for my labor.
Now I am in no way a skilled craftsman - I would starve to death if I did piecework for a living - but c'mon... 100 clams?? That didn't even pay for the deck screws!!! much less the dump fees for the old decking, wear and tear on my (still pre-RNY) fat ass... or blood pressure meds
But ol' well
Trex said that they had never heard of this occuring... so I took it like a man with a minimum of cryassing.
Today I began the odorous chore of cleaning out my shed - as I could no longer walk inside. In the middle of this endevour, my sweet wife told me that she had some bad news.... the ******g deck is bubbling up again!! one year after installing the replacement deck
A quick web search today revealed numerous class-action lawsuits.... and that Trex had set aside $45 million to settle claims.... a year and a half ago when they told me that my situation was "the first time this had happened"
I am so ******g mad I could blow out an O-ring!!
So what do I do? Join a class action? Take them to small claims court on my own? One thing for sure - I am NOT going to be providing the labor this time.....
Sorry for the rant, but if it makes saves one brother the frustration that I feel, it will be worth the pounding my keyboard has taken.
Thanks for listening.........
is the bubbling happening where the screws go in? you know, you have to use a special self tapper that's three times the cost of deck screws. they're called poly taps. otherwise a regular deck screw will bubble. now if it's somewhere else, i've got a couple over the years on our deck. i put it down over 10 years ago and it's still going strong with no problems and the back deck surrounds our pool. so it gets all kinds of chemicals on it. next question, which way is your deck facing. ours is north and south, either way, no blisters. was the color grey or something else with the texture too.
i put ours in when the product was fairly new to the market. i installed it for all your reasons too and it's been just great. i'm a finish carpenter and i did all kinds of trick stuff with it and it's held up. it's hard to bend and will delaminate a little but that's about it. it does hate oil stains and i have to sand asap so it doesn't soak in. i never knew about the law suit but if you sue outside of the suit you will not be able to recover in the class action which i think is your best bet. that said, after the lawyers take 99% of the settlement you might end up with less than $100 again! dang.....carbonblob

cb - the class-action covered material pruchased from '92 thru '04.... I bought mine at the end of '04. The bad stuff supposedly came from their plant in Nevada - who the hell knows. They said that they disposed of all the "bad stock", and hence took a big loss in doing so.
My "new" decking is proof that there is either some of that old bad decking floating around that wasn't disposed of..... or they are pumping out bad **** a' new.
I am in the process of contacting the lawyers that ran the class action. I'll contact Trex also to see if they will make good as well. As far as taking them to court myself... I gotta balance out the payoff in what it will cost me in effort and lost sleep - I tend to turn into a real miserable asshole when on the warpath.... I got to take into account the wear and tear on myself and my ol' lady. I'm not sure if it would be fair to her.
Not sure if Trex would be intimidated by my threats of legal action anyway - they are up to their ass in alligators as it is. They are also being sued by their shareholders, as their stock dropped 10% on this fiasco.
I appreciate your good suggestions, but I think this stuff just expands and rots from the inside..... sure wish I could find a "non-wood" product, I really thought that Trex was the answer - but it seems to be a crapshoot.... and I've crapped out twice already