New avatar magic . . . sort of
Hi guys,
I just looked at Danny R's new pics and avatar--check'em out if you haven't. Here's a hint that I could've used a few months ago when I changed my avatar and it didn't show up in my browser I must have reposted that bleepin' pic 8 or 9 times before my slow brain finally fired up and said, "Hmm. Could it be a problem with your browser? And it was. So, If new avatars don't show up when you post them or if other guys' new avatars don't show up, try clearing your browser's cache. My browsers (Firefox and Safari) sometimes hold onto the old images until I clear them out.
(There was a time when my, er, "browser," took care of things on its own. Ah, youth!)
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester