27 Days...
When I scheduled my surgery I was 83 days Preop, I am not 27 days out until "the day". As the days wind down, I seem to get more and more on my plate (bad pun, sorry). My son is busy with several things in/outside of school so that means Dad is busy with the same things or at least getting him there, I'm swamped at work with alot of off-site assignments, and my sister has discovered she has a health problem that will require several out of town doctor/hospital visits over the next few months. She has two small kids that my wife and I help with occasionally and we have offered our assistance this time also. So it looks like we may have FOUR kids in the house (7,6,4, and 4) right often for the next while. I love the kids, but all of this is wreaking havoc on my nerves, they are already frayed because of the upcoming surgery. My Mom, who worried waaaaaaaaaayyy too much about everything asked me if I was still going to have my surgery in light of recent events with my sister. When I told her yes and that I would be fine, she asked me if I was trying to kill her...Whew! You know, Mom, I'm in my thirties now; I'm a big boy (literally). Don't have much to say or ask other that that, just tell me that I'm overreacting...please? Thanks everybody!