Friday Morning Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! It's Friday and time to rise and shine! WOO HOO for Friday's, right Karen? Anyone wanna do the dance with me?
Do ya have big plans for the weekend?
Our challenge for today is to be bold! Get a backbone. Before WLS, how many of us would hide behind everyone? Be the last to get up in front of a crowd? Be the last to want to be in the spotlight or for the attention to be drawn to you/us? How many would coward down to others? Let others walk over us because we didn't want to call attention to us. Well, I challenge you to STAND UP! You are important. Don't let anyone walk on you! Don't let anyone EVER make you coward down. You are the best! You are how others see you. How do they see you? Are you bold? YES! Get up and shake yourself and get some iron in your backbone. Get out there and let others see you. You are NOT a coward and no one is going to walk on you any longer!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm finishing up the last of my Starbuck's Christmas Blend. Sure is good too. Great flavor!
Ya'll have a wonderful and BOLD day!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"