A smoking FART
Good for you cdecker78. Quitting smoking is a good thing. I used to smoke 2 packs of camels a day. Whenever I would bum a smoke I would rip off the filter. Then it dawned on me that I was spending about 6 or 7 bucks a day. Time to quit. I went to the VA and joined one of their smoking classes. We set a date, did the patches and took wellbuterin. I have never craved nicotine again. My taste buds really came alive after that and I gained 125 pounds over the years and my health went downhill. You know, Diabetes, Sleeping with that ugly mask on, Taking 14 pills a day, inability to get it up, can't see it if it was up. etc.. So I am ready for the cure! Bring on the WLS. I want my life back. Aloha