Thoughts on the RECESSION
Wow! American cars now get 100,000 miles. The only Japanese car that anyone in my family drove that ended up with less than 125,000 was my wife's Mazda when it got hit by a train. I won't buy an American car because we buy a car fairly new and run it until it's not worth keeping. That's usually between 160,000 and 180,000 miles. My cousin's family drives Hondas and they usually keep them until they have 225,000 miles. Maybe your problem is living in MI rather than one of the Southern states where they are now building many of the Japanese cars.
I do agree that we can't just say to not buy one product and let all of the others slide. We don't manufacture most electronic goods other than computers.
However, we're about 20-30 years late in asking multinational companies to change their ways. They may seem to be American companies, but many have large amounts of shareholders who are not American. Doing what's right for America is not their goal. Rather, having the best bottom line for their investors and CEOs is the goal . They seem to just screw the workers.