Thoughts on the RECESSION
A couple years ago, it was a lengthy process for me and my family to get an appointment at the Dentist to see the Dental Hygenist. Earlier this week, when I was getting a root canal, I inquired about getting me and the wife in for a cleaning. The Hygenist was right there, and said she had a cancellation right then, and could clean my teeth right then, and get my wife in in the morning. She said that over the last couple years, people have been losing there jobs, or companies have been scaling back their insurance to the point that so many people don't have dental coverage any more and its really effecting her income because allot less work.
This is the trickle down affect. People continue to buy foriegn products, thus putting the American working person out of work, or forcing the American manufacturer to scale back costs. I realize that some of the burdon rests on the American companies outsourcing work to foriegn companies. This has also got to stop. This eventually works its way to most everybody, and we all suffer the consequences.
In my opinion, we all need to support the American economy first, and it will also "trickle down" to us all and make all our lives better. STOP BUYING FORIEGN AUTOS AND OTHER PRODUCTS if American made products are available.
If we get this economic stimulous package, it will do nothing for the economy if it is spent on foriegn made products. The same goes for our regular incomes.
Sorry to rant a bit, but I for one would like to have better lives for my kids when they grow up. Im sure you all feel the same way
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/08 6:29 am - Houston, TX
on 2/7/08 6:29 am - Houston, TX
Hey K...
I was thinking something else at the top of your post...
I agree to buy American...all the way...
On the dental insurance...we dropped was $50 a month..each...and for that $600 we got 2 free cleanings...
if we had to have a root was covered at 50% so it still costed outt the azz plus $600 for the insurance...
we do have a free card that gives us 40% off the dentist supplied by the company....
sad about the trickle down effect...
I had never thought of it hitting in htis market..
looks like they passed the stimulus package 15 mins ago
I know what you mean Russ. Insurance costs are rediculous. I am fortunate to have excellent health and Dental. In many households, I believe that people have other things to worry about besides there teeth. It all goes back to the economy.
Yes, I see the stimulous package passed. I don't see anything in it for children as was written in the original. They did have 600 per person, 1200 per couple, and 300 per child. I wonder if it is the same.
anyway, I think Ill take mine and buy a goold electrical generator for my home from an American Manufacturer. Hopefully that will help. Im tired of all the power outages we get in Michigan.
Kev I want to agree but it hard when the japanese autos are made better last longer and are cheaper, not to mention get better gas mileage.
We need to support America and not buy foreign products when a COMPARABLE American product is available.
FYI most foreign auto makers now have plenty of plants in the US and Canada.
Ford Motor has a higher quality and safety rating than Toyota. They offer 100,000 mile warrenties now, bumper to bumper. I drive a 2007 Ford focus that gets 34 mpg. My Buddy drives a Taurus that gets 28 mpg. The monies that go to the plants in the USA goes to the parent companies in their respective countries. No help to the American Economy. They don't even pay Tarriffs. Our American Manufacturing Facilities in most other countries have to pay huge tarriffs to operate in those countries. FYI
If someone wants to support American auto workers and the industry in general, they should research how much of a particular auto is domestic-content. You could easily have a Chevy that is mostly foreign, and a Toyota that is mostly domestic. You can't just buy on the basis of 'nameplate'.
Of course, there are other consumer goods that are nearly 100% foreign - like the average item for sale at Wally-World.
That said, I believe government policies (can you say 'NAFTA') have made it FAR too easy for US companies to off-shore jobs, and our manufacturing base in general. And it takes some major b*lls for companies like GM to ask us to 'buy American', when they have no problems at all with buying their components foreign, in order to save 1 cent per part.
Something's really wrong with this picture...

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin
I second what your saying. Having worked for two American companies that have outsourced my jobs to India and China, I don't think the American corporations offer me any support. Even WalMart which use to be so proud of the All-American label, now imports a significant amount of their products. Don't know the answer but as long as we have to compete against countries with labor without health care, we are going to have a hard time competing in a global market.
Enjoy the ride....
I agree, and it is sad to see the state of this country and the way businesses operate, But I am not talking about supporting the companies, I am talking about supporting the country, and all our futures. It doesnt matter where the products are made so much as to where the profits are laid. Everyone needs to look at the big picture. And I am not only talking about autos, I am refering to all products. The ones that provide jobs and a future for our people.Toyota posted record profits this quarter, but that profit goes to Japan, NO OFFENSE NOTDAVE. Even the money they made in the USA.
We gotta start somewhere, and it all begins with us.The consumer. If everybody only bought american goods, we would be a much stronger, richer society. We would have a practically non-existant unemployment rate. We would have the money to buy new homes, computers, cars, trucks, Atvs, The crime rate would be much lower, etc.....
"It doesnt matter where the products are made so much as to where the profits are laid."
OK, Kevin. I'll bite. WHY?
I would say it matters very much where the products are made. Certainly to local economies. What do you think happens to the paychecks of all those Toyota workers in Georgetown, Kentucky?
I work for US-based company, and thus, the company's 'profits are laid' in the US. (An aside: my company's profits are laid more than I am!
) Anyway, my company can make it's stuff here in Indiana, or they can (and do) make it offshore. Either way, the profits 'go' to the US.
But it absolutely makes a difference where those products are made - to me and the entire city.

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin
Hey Boxman
As other people have pointed out, toyota is making cars in the USA. Some of tyhe money goes to American workers, and provides some good paying jobs. But the profits of toyota go to their home countrys economy. Very little stays here. Just like ford vehicals made in Mexico, Or Itaky, or Romania. The biggest difference is that toyota doesnt pay the USA tarriffs to operate here, but the other countries charge the USA tarriffs there. If our government charged these foriegn countries the same tarriffs they charged us, the playing field would be level, and it wouldnt matter where the cars are made. But, Its not. Our own government is a problem, and I believe something needs to be ammended in NAFTA to make it equal and fair. Nobody else follows these guidlines.