Still having some stomach troubles -- 7 weeks post surgery.
Hello, want to run this by others, so they can perhaps shed some light on things for me.
I'm having problems now with nausea, general mild discomfort in my stomach (well, somewhere in my GI tract), not pain, more of a "raw" feeling, irritated, lack of appetite, lack of thirst.
I already spoke with the Dr's office and Dr himself about it last week, and again with the office today. I made an appointment for next week, if it's not better by then, we're going to go from there, may end up being scoped.
However, from my symptoms and conversations with Dr. and nurse, I don't really think it's anything like a stricture (everything goes down and goes through). I'm just feeling "yuck" most of the time, have little stomach discomforts after eating, not pain, but an "upset stomach" feeling, as well as often before eating, sometimes, it's constant. I've had the "dry heaves" a number of times, but absolutely nothing comes back up.
I think a lot of it comes from the meds I take -- blood pressue, lasix, diabetes, plus the vitamins. I ALWAYS did have a sensative stomach when it comes to things like that, even pre-op, and have had periods when this type of symptom of stomach discomfort occurred before. Would love to get off these meds, but it's too soon -- quit taking them a few days, and my stomach feels better, but other problems crop up, so I have to go back to the meds.
Dr's office advise, for now, is to go back on an acid blocker, try to eat regularly, take pills only with food, and see what happens until next week.
I know I'm not eating well, either, which can't help anything. Protein, my highest priority, is really "yuck" and doesn't sit well, just looking at it or thinking about it makes me feel nauseated. I've been living on macaroni and cheese, boiled rice, dry toast the past few days.
I've been going back and forth on this. Last week, didn't take meds, watched what I ate, and felt really good for a couple of days. Then, I started back on my meds, and am back to where I was before, or maybe worse. I am NOT enjoying the nausea, believe me, but I'll live.
I wondered if anyone else had any thoughts? I've heard that most people don't really get to feeling better until about 3 months out. Also, isn't it sort of normal, at this phase, to still be a little sick? It's not like I can't function entirely, but I feel like I'm walking around with a mild, perpetual stomach flu. I had hoped to be feeling better by now, but maybe it's just going to take more time.
Well I'm no Doctor but I'll take a look anyway. It sounds to me like your meds are irritating your stomach and maybe if you take some MOM prior to taking the meds and eating it might help. Also are you eating something or at least drinking some milk when you take your meds? Just my .02 buddy, hope you get cause of your discomfort ASAP.
I did the same thing. I'm just over 2 months out, and around that 5-6 week mark, after I went on solid food, I just felt 'yuck' at everything. When ever I ate, it just felt like a lump sitting there. It's finally starting to pass, but food still feels heavy. I had some stomach pain also (the old stomach) and doc told me to take Prilosec for that. Dale
Thanks for the above, I too suspect that much of it is just a normal part of the healing process, and the discomfort is being exacerbated by the pills.
The clinic I went to has its own websites and message boards, I posted this there, and get a whole bunch of responses "flaming" me for eating pasta and rice. They're all women over there, need I say more. Yes, it's white, refined stuff, but eating it for a few days, if it's going to calm my GI tract down, aint gonna kill me, and I'm sure not gonna get fat on it, since I'm eating like 3/4 to a cup a day TOTAL food. I don't worry about what works for other people, I worry about what works for me. I'm SO glad for this board.
Just an update.
Started taking Prilosec on thursday per Dr's advice. Can't believe what a difference in 3 days -- I'm feeling much better, woke up this morning without a stomach ache, and have felt good all day.
Maybe that was all it took. I was on prevacid for the first month out of surgery, and only started having these problems when that prescription ran out.