Tight Control Of Diabetes = Death ??? - Disturbing New Study
Boy, this is scary! For those of us that are "cured" of our diabetes, what does this mean, if anything??? : &:-/)
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/health/07diabetes.html?_r= 1&ex=1360126800&en=7c38ec5886f14ae7&ei=5118&partner=rssaol&e mc=rss&oref=slogin
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/health/07diabetes.html?_r= 1&ex=1360126800&en=7c38ec5886f14ae7&ei=5118&partner=rssaol&e mc=rss&oref=slogin

Well, the most honest response is "no one knows" yet, not even the experts.
Personally (although I'm not diabetic, nor is this any more than idle semi-informed speculation), I would think that aggressive interventions with antidiabetic drugs and/or the use of frequent insulin injections or insulin pumps to maintain a low Hb A1C might yield somewhat different results than a surgical intervention which renders people previously diagnosed with Type II diabetes normoglycemic.
But if a well-run study can turn the conventional dogma for the past 25 years on its head, all bets are off. I wouldn't rush out to get your DS reversed ASAP, however.
In my family it has been a matter of common sense. That are medical people who cannot grasp that concept. My elderly Mother IN Law is a type two diabetic and they treat this woman's high blood sugars VERY aggressively. The result is she has suffered stroke like symptoms from the times she has passed out due to low blood sugar levels. We have tried to explain to her doctor and to the assisted living medical staff that at age 90 a bg of 320 is far less dangerous for a 90 year old than a bg of 50. This woman has broken a hip and her shoulder in the last 14 months due to falls after low blood sugar black outs. A little common sense can go a long way, ( yes we are shopping for a different facility and doctor but she has friends at the facility and refuses to see any other doc!).