Dx's father has passed away
Dx PM'd my wife, DeeDee, last night and told her that the hospice workers had told the family it wouldn't be long. He asked that she post here for him once he sent word. That word has come; his father passed on at 11:30 today. Dx's brother and sister are already in Texas and he is heading that way now. He wrote last night that his dad had made his peace and that his mom was holding up well. Dx had earlier spent a couple weeks with his dad and then made the trip again last weekend to spend time with him while he could still converse.
The family has known that this day would come but no matter how much one prepares it is still hard to say that earthly good-bye. Fortunately the weather is much better today for traveling. He doesn't expect to be back before Tuesday next week so he'll be missed on the boards until he returns.
Keep Dx and his family in your thoughts and prayers please.
I am sorry to learn of your father's passing. As cb said, even when we are "prepared," such a loss is still grievous. My father's been gone 12 years, and I think of him every day. I consider that his legacy to me, and I am thankful.
Given the helpful spirit, energy, and good humor you've shown us guys, I 'm sure that your father must have a been a special man to have raised such a fine son.
You and yours are in our hearts and prayers. Let us know if, somehow, we can be help.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester