Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine? Well, not this early! LOL It's 3:53 and I have been up washing laundry, drying, and studying for about an hour. I guess I had "trip lag" and slept most of the day yesterday after getting back from the church office around lunch. LOL Bad or what? Anyway, it's going to be a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Our challenge for today is to realize that at some point in our lives, we all have to lay aside the junk. What do I mean? Laying aside junk is the key point to realizing that we are moving on. When we had WLS, we decided that we would lay aside our weight. We decided that that junk had to go. Well, is there other junk you need to put down? Other "weight" that is keeping you from moving on in life? Maybe it's not really "junk" so called, but it is keeping you weighted down and you need to ly it down. Leave it and move on. We are FREE! Free to live! Free to run! Free because we have decided to move on and lay down every weight that so easliy could hold us down. Be free today and lay down all the "JUNK"! I dare ya!
So, is anyone up at 4 a.m.? LOL What cha sipping on? Me? Man! I'm enjoying some awesome Almond Ameretto. This stuff is so good! It'****ting the spot.
I guess I better hit the books some more. I have that 200 question test coming up in 2 months and I have 600 questions to study.
Ya'll have a WONDERFUL Wednesday and I will be thinking about all of you!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"