Piece of Cake
Here I sit almost one day after Lap RNY, I had no surgical issues, only back pain for laying in a bed for 5 hours total before being allowed to shuffle around. The Surgeon was awesome, the nurses are HOT, and I've moved on from morphine to roxicet. Typing this is a struggle for lack of concentration, so I think I'll just do some hallway walking and maybe get lucky and bump into a nurse.
Catch up later.
Oh yeah, it feels like i can put down 64 oz no problem, but I'll take it easy,
Play hard or go home.

This guy's spent the last 24 hours getting put under, getting his ass thrown on a table, getting his plumbing totally rerouted, and now he's all totally jacked up on painkillers, and still, STILL, has the instinct s and ability to report on the quality of poontang surrounding him. Sir, you are a stud.
Best wishes for a continued hassle free recovery.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.