Fight On CBS Morning Show - MS Anti-Obesity "Bill"

on 2/5/08 2:09 am - Garland, TX
 I was still laying in bed, only half-awake, and vaguely remember hearing something shocking happening on the T.V. about this topic ..  It sounded like they were interviewing the MS senator that is sponsoring the "bill" and that he must have gotten into it with another interviewee on the show - a lady - that represented the "persons of size" viewpoint, I guess ..   I think one of them was going to walk off the show (the lady?), but I heard the interviewer say something to them like "instead of walking out, why don't you just apologize?" 

  Anyone catch that exchange and can give us the story?
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 2/5/08 3:07 am - Baton Rouge, LA

The bill you are probably referring to was introduced by a few representatives in the state of Missippi house of representatives.   It basically banned 'fat' people from dining in restaurants.   It will never pass and I think steps have already been made to veto the bill.

on 2/5/08 1:42 pm - Garland, TX
 Yes, that's what the segment was about (this "bill" has been talked about on the main forum)  ..   I still say what they should do is outlaw the sale of fat FOODS (e.g  junk.high in cals, fats, carbs, processed sugars, etc.) by the restaurants and stores, making them akin to illegal drugs ..     If you don't have the drug, you won't have drug addicts .. 
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 2/5/08 3:36 am - Crane, TX
What's this country coming to when the impulses of nanny-statism infect a place like Mississippi?
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
on 2/5/08 3:52 am - Baton Rouge, LA

Seriously, no offense to anyone that may live in Mississippi or more specifically Jackson, Mississippi, but I think the water in Jackson is tainted with some form of idiot serum.   My former company's corporate office is in Jackson and I must say that 99% of the employees there were borderline mentally handicapped.   It must be the water...  Or the air.    

on 2/5/08 4:04 am - Meridianville, AL
It's the grease they fry the chicken and burgers in Chad. They re-use and re-use it in Mississippi. After a couple of weeks, the stuff gets tainted and spoiled and causes mental deficiencies in anyone who consumes it!
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
on 2/5/08 4:34 am - Alba, TX
I don't think its just in Mississippi. How many times have you been to the doctor about flu symptons and the very first thing out of the docs mouth is that you are to fat. I'm like WOW I did not know that. You must be so proud after years and thousands of dollars of education to diagnose me so quick. Here is my check for 150.00 for your inspiring techniques.  I am sorry but in my experiences when you are obesse that is the reason for all the negative issues in your life. According to the professionals.  Sorry climbing off the soap box now.....

Dx E
on 2/5/08 7:48 am - Northern, MS
Atty, your definition of "Fight" must be rather inclusive. ActualCBS-StoryandClip  I'm not really seeing anything that looks like someone "walking off" Are you? as I posted the other night on this topic...,4856/cat_id, 4456/topic_id,3518356/a,messageboard/action,replies/#2758638 1 a whole lot of :panic::panic::panic:. Going on....Drama, Drama, Drama... Best Wishes- Dx
on 2/5/08 12:18 pm
Dx -- I appreciate your posting the link to the other forum, since I don't visit any of the other forums on OH.  There were certainly an interesting range of reactions to this proposed bill. I've been trying to think of an appropriate way to word my feelings on this "issue."  It's taken me a while to organize this in my mind. Dx, you're obviously correct, intellectually, that this is a publicity stunt, first and foremost, is meant to draw attention to a serious public health issue, and that some of the reaction to it is rather, um, "dramatic." However, I think there are right and wrong ways to raise any issue, and I think that the method the MS. State Rep chose to use was certainly, on an emotional level, a wrong, hurtfull, and divisive way of going about it.  To me, this is offensive on so many levels.  It reinforces the idea that the obese are not capable of making rational decisions for themselves, are not able to control themselves, and that discrimination against the obese is still acceptable.  Taken to the extreme, in saying that it's ok to discriminate against the obese, why not load the ultra morbidly obese on cattle cars and take us to death camps?  It would certainly eliminate the "problem" of obesity in America, and provide a strong incentive for those less-obese to slim down.  It could be the "Final Solution" to the "Obesity Problem."  I for one have seen plenty of discrimination and hatred based upon body size and image.  As a teenager, very overweight, I was followed, harrassed, spat on, and pushed off the roadway while riding a bike, alone without anyone to turn to for help, by a carload of older teenagers who spent the entire time, probably 20 minutes, calling me "fatty, porky, pugsley" etc.  It was certainly a traumatic and frightening incident for me.   I have since been spit upon and called names, even as an adult, while minding my own business walking along a public roadway, because of my weight.  Now, if going out to walk along a public road, I make sure I carry a cell phone at all times.  I've also experienced discrimination in employment and even in academia.  I was once singled out by a professor and given an "award" for "growth" in front of an entire class of undergrads in a mocking and derisive manner, by an individual who was obviously very unaccepting of the obese, and had sort of an "ex-Marine" type demeanor and appearance, "tough and lean."  At the time, I was afraid to make waves, because the professor was also my academic advisor and the department head in my major, so I went home, cried, and said nothing.  I avoided him as much as was absolutely possible for my remaining year until graduation.  Had I known then what I know now, as they say, I would have definitely followed this up with some sort of formal complaint with the university.  It was a cruel and humiliating thing to do, and I had done nothing to deserve it, other than to be obese.  I think about this incident quite often.  I like to ask myself this when considering whether any particular remark is acceptable or not -- whether it is a joke by Jay Leno or something meant to be taken seriously or at least semi-seriously as this MS. state bill is/was:  "If I substitute Black/Mexican/Jewish, etc., for "Obese or Fat" is the statement still non-offensive?"  If so, it's probably acceptable.  Otherwise, I don't consider it an acceptable statement.  If, in the Mississippi case, we were to rewrite this to, say, require restaurant owners to conduct testing to determine if a patron were Jewish, and then ban all Jews from restaurants, it would be pretty hatefull. 
on 2/5/08 1:55 pm - Garland, TX
 Funny ..  did u see my earlier lament about Jay  ..  one of my earliest posts on the forum ..? To recap in a nutshell, if not:   I was getting so tired of his nightly "fat joke" I wanted to punch him out if I ever saw him in public   &:-x)  , although I also had to wonder if it was really just his way of trying to deal with and get the message across to America that we are getting too big ..    I think someone on here remarked they know Jay there in Burbank and that he probably has no malevolent intent with those jokes and would stop them if asked ..    It seems like Jay hasn't been making quite as many of those jokes as he used to, of late ..
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
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