(For Non-Bander Post-Pops) - Has Your Navel Gone South?
I've noticed something since my surgery and weight loss .. my navel seems to be located somewhat futher down than it was before my surgery, although the abdomen itself doesn't seem to be "hanging" .. I don't even recall it being in that postion before I gained weight ... I'm wondering if this is due to the sleeve creation (removal of 85% of the stomach) and/or the intestinal rerouting inside, allowing the gut to "fall inward" somewhat (for want of a better term). I guess if it is due to the sleeve creation than our VSG friends will have the same experience .. (?)
(as to how I know the location has changed, well .. errrr .. "Mr. Happy" seems to be in a noticeably different position in relation to my navel when he's "happy", since surgery) ..

yep, almost as much as our moobs .. &:-(...
btw - love the quote .. Was listening to Buffett in the car earlier tonight ...
Hangin' out at a marina, when Steve Martin called, Singin', "anybody there really want to get small?" I always got a kick out of his added tag to that one: And I hope Anita Bryant never ever does one of my songs (oh no no no) (whatever happened to that wacky bia***, btw?)