Hey Guys Just a Quick Question
I'd let the professionals shave your chest. They'll only shave what needs to be shaved and leave the rest. You might consider shaving your pubes though. Just to fly yo freak flag for the nurses and ****
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Believe me, the surgical staff will shave it before the operation. They'll shave it even if you've shaved it yourself!
Immediately post-op I had a bald Buddha-belly from below my moobs to just below my belly button, but was unshaven above and below. I was surprised at how fast all my chest and stomach hair grew back--by the time 8 weeks had passed I could hardly tell that I'd been shaven and the lap port sites were just collections of little red dots hidden beneath the regrown hair
The itching was surprisingly minor for me.
First off, congrats on tomorrow's surgery! C'mon back when you can get to your computer - always room for more here on the loser's bench!
Second, don't assume you'll need to be shaved. I did, and I almost shaved myself the night before. At the last minute, I just decided to let them do what they're paid to do.
When I first got to take a look at my belly post-op, I was checking the ol' scar, to see if my surgeon had had to do a last-minute switch from lap RNY to open. Not only did I discover she hadn't, but was surprised to see that they hadn't shaved ANYTHING - even the small areas around the 6 'stab wounds', as the nurses called them.
I asked my surgeon about it later, and she said it's not always neccessary with lap RNY, so they don't just do it routinely. So I never had to deal with the itchy re-growth stage.
I would, however, agree with DX's suggestion about shaving your arms and the backs of your hands. YEEEOOWWW that IV tape hurts when they pull it off!

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin