Hey Guys Just a Quick Question
Good luck today Guy! Let us know how it went.
Rny 07/20/2004.
My other site is: http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/

Hey Guys,
I had open RNY surgery and have a scar about 10 inches long on my chest. If they shaved me, they did it after I was out in the operating room. Honestly, I have a fairly hairy chest (so my wife tells me) but I couldn't tell if they did or if they didn't. And to be honest with you, I never thought to ask. I do want to wish both of you the very best and hope you have a speedy and safe recovery. My prayers and thoughts will be with you. We will move on down so you can have a seat on the Loser's Bench!!
Don, Let them do what they do on your stomach/torso, BUT one thing… Shave your arms from the back of your hand to the elbow! That IV Tape will rip them out anyway. I had 8 surgeries in a 1 ½ year time frame And the best advice I ever got was- Shave the arms!! Back of hands too since they often go there with an IV as well. Have a Great one tomorrow! Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Alright DX, why didn't you tell me this vital information 14 months ago? The biggest PITA I had after surgery was keeping the IV in, due to my hairy arms. I'll let you off the hook this time. Beside, that being my biggest problem after RNY, it is hard to complain.
FYI, a hot nurse shaved me on the OR table just before they put me under, not the worst final memory had I not made it. lol