Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good morning my friends!!! BOY! It sure is good to be home, but I miss everyone SO BAD! I wanna go back. Let's all just pack up, grab our kids and go again! LOL If it were only that easy. I am good to be back home though. Back with all my wonderful friends. BACK HOME! No place like OH and HOME! We DID have a blast, but I thought about you all so much. HONESTLY! Coffee talk is a blessing to me and coffee talk wouldn't be to me what it is, WITHOUT YOU! YOU GUYS ROCK! Our challenge today is to appreciate what you have. I saw so much poverty this past weekend in Freeport and Nassau. Much of the island is beautiful because of tourism and the stars that own property there, but those places are gated and limited as to who can enter. Beyond those gates, beyond the stores and straw markets lies poverty and ruin. We in America are so blessed. I saw much of the same thing in Mexico last year. We have so much to be thankful for. We complain and take things for granted. Gas here is at an all time high, but there, gas is $4.85 a gallon. Milk is $6.00 a gallon. Why do we complain? Why do we whine? Let's learn to appreciate our homes and what we DO have. We may not have it all, but we have what we have and I LOVE MINE! I love what I DO have! How about you? So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? OH BOY! I'm enjoying some awesome Island Java coffee that Shelia aka Shebnana bought for me whilen in Freeport, Bahamas. It sure is good. Thanks Shelia! You are the BEST and so sweet. The coffee IS better in the Bahamas. I sure would love to be at the coffee shop there. We actually had coffee talk in Starbuck's in Nassau. LOL It was short and sweet, but we did talk. Look for our pics in the next few days. I forgot my digital camera but was able to take 3 rolls of disposal pics and they are at Wally world now getting put on disc. Again, it's good to enjoy coffee at home today with YOU!!! Floyd aka Cagledude, It sure was good to meet you and talk!! You are an awesome guy and such an inspiration. You've done awesome on this journey.

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable