Giants Win The Super Bowl!!
Drew, I went back and watched the last few seconds again, and you are absolutely right. Coach B did go over and shake Coach C's hand, and then he went in to sulk ;-). I was probably distracted by the rest of the screaming maniacs in the room! Sorry for the mis-information, but regardless, the Pat's still lost. :-)
WARNING!! Lie Detectors Tell the Truth!
WARNING!! Lie Detectors Tell the Truth!
I'm more of a college football fan so I really didn't care who won, other than it would have been history had the Pats gone 19-0. Archie's youngest son and his teammates has been playing pretty well ever since their last game with the Patriots. And it's nice to see an underdog win, isn't it. (Sorta like the struggles overcome by those thru WLS?)
In all honesty though, I think the better, most talented team lost, and the team that played better and with more heart on that particular day won. And after all, that is why they play the game, isn' it?
Now let'see what happens on college signing day!

"Well, for a die-hard Colts fan, little brother winning the ring is the next best thing. Just as long as somebody beats the evil new england patriots!"
Yeah, bay-bee! The 'not-so-perfect' Pats lose the SB! And not to just anybody, but to the Giants and Eli Manning, whose big bro' Peyton knocked the Pats out LAST year.
That last drive was SOOOOOOO sweet! I'm still hoarse!
NOW what's a guy gonna do??? Pre-season is six months away!

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin
It definitely was a good game, probably one of my favorites, besides when my Bucs got their SB ring. Being a hardcore Bucs fan I really didnt like either team though, especially since the giants took my team out of the playoffs, but im glad the giants spoiled the perfect pats, just goes to show anything can happen. And being only 6 weeks out from my surgery, man was it tough being around all my boys who were eating all that steak and ribs, while I sat and ate my mashed potatoes and salmon but I survived.