Question . . .
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
I am only three weeks post-op and have already crossed the I would do it all over again line. I have no complicatons (Praise the Lord) and hope not to have any in the future. Since I earnestly began this journey after Thanksgiving last year I have lost over 80 pounds. I wear suits all the time and can no longer wear the ones I was wearing two months ago, even my olders suits are getting loose on me, all I have left are my college suits and then I will have to start buying new ones. Friday I just walked (Doc won't let me jog yet) my first 5k. Everything is getting better every week. My three days in the hospital had some tough moments, but I would already do them again to get what I have so far. Before reading your post I just ate Sunday dinner. With my family after church Sunday dinner has always been a huge meal. As I began my meal in my plate in front of me was a 3.5 oz broiled piece of fish. Now let me tell you if my wife had served me that before I got serious about weight loss for a Sunday dinner even double the amount of fish and all the bread, veggies, salad, and desert I would have been mad for such a lite Sunday dinner. Can I tell you I am full and more than satisfied and I am still staring at 1 oz of fish (which by the was very good) and there is no way I could eat it. I am so pumped about my wls surgery. Jason