
My 20 miler before the taper...

on 2/2/08 8:40 pm - Baton Rouge, LA

Morning guys.   I'd like to share this with you guys...

I woke up at 5AM yesterday and loaded up my running belt with carb gel packs, Accelerade and water and then headed for L.S.U.   The air was crisp and slightly chilly but it had an electricity to it I just can't describe.  I parked at Baton Rouge Beach which is right on the outskirts of L.S.U. and was really surprised to see around 5 or 6 other cars there that early in the morning.   I've never been part of the 'running club' and I guess getting up at the crack of dawn to run is part of what the membership is all about.   I stretched for for 5 - 10 minutes then started out on my quest.

I can honestly say that the first 12 or so miles were some of the best running I've done in my life.   The feelings that I was having were indescribeable.   I can only count a few times in my life where I was at total and utter peace.  As I was running down the levee yesterday morning watching the sun rise and listening to the steady strike of my feet on the pavement, my slow rhythmic breathing and the various animals awaking from slumber I felt that peace.   I 'got it'.   For a breif fleeting moment I had no cares whatsoever and I had the world by the tail.   It was sureal to say the least. 

Things started getting difficult at around mile 14.   I was on the other side of the state capital building near the governor's mansion and started to feel the first twinges of exhaustion.    It's strange but every time that feeling comes on it's not in my legs, arms or chest.   It's in my shoulders.   I knew that anything past 14 miles and I was in uncharted territory.  I'd never run over 14 miles at once and had only done 14 a few weeks ago.  15 came slowly and my pace steadily decreased.   My legs were beyond heavy at 18 but I knew that I only had half the distance one of my morning runs left.   "I could surely make that," I continued to rationalize and compromise with my conscience.  With my Honda Element in sight at Baton Rouge Beach I increased my pace and burned out the last half mile to finish my first 20 miler in 3:15.   Not going to be qualifying for any Olympic trials with that time but it was a great accomplishment for me nonetheless.   I guess I can tack another hour on that time to see approximately what I will finish the 26.2 in in exactly 3 weeks from today.   I'm chasing a dream and I'm so close now I can taste it!

So this week starts the taper.   I think this will probably be more difficult than the actual training.  I've been running so much that the thought of actually NOT running or rather reducing my mileage considerably is going to be hard.   I wonder if biking and swimming is off limits?  :)

on 2/2/08 9:30 pm - South of Boulder, CO
WOW, congratulations!! Thanks for sharing your very inspirational experience in such detail. AWESOME accomplishment and best of luck in a couple of weeks.  I'm not a runner but your training regiment sounds very similar to mine as I prepare for my major cycling events. For those, it seems as if I have typically prepared so well in advance, the "suffering" is minimized in the actual event which means I enjoy it so much more. Mind you, there is suffering but it's never been enough to force me to stop.  Cool stuff Bayou Boy!!  Boner
Dx E
on 2/3/08 12:04 am - Northern, MS

Awesome Chad! At about 5 to 6 miles, my old azz drags the road and grinds me to a walk, So I applaud all of you exercise champs who press on through. Would you have Ever imagined yourself doing this back before your WLS? Keep up the great work. I’m a moron when it comes to prepping for “the big run,” But I seem to remember others advising to use other cross training activity like swimming during their “resting-up” time but to keep it light. The idea is to let your muscles build and build up glycogen stores, But that’s my simplistic understanding. Keep us posted on your progress! Best Wishes- Dx



 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 2/3/08 12:14 am - Meridianville, AL
Congrats to ya Chad! I'm not a runner, but hope I can get back to walking, weight training and exercising like I did pre-heart attack and this 100+ pounds.
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
Scott William
on 2/3/08 1:39 am
Congrats on the first 20 miler.  Only a 10K beyond that gets you to the finish.   If you feel the need to bike and swim, I would say thats fine.  I don't think you need it though. BYW, I signed up for the Goofy again.  Why? -- no clue!

Link to my running journal

4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 2/3/08 8:37 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
heh heh. i'll be right there with you man. I signed up a couple weeks ago. I wanted to wait until harry potter land was open at universal before I went back to orlando but the pull of that race got me. looking forward to it though.
on 2/3/08 12:53 pm - Crane, TX
At this point I just can't imagine myself doing the kind of running you're doing now. But I went over to your page and looked at your before pics and you were bigger pre-op than I was. Not by much though. I also got some ideas and inspiration from looking at your list of goals and how you had checked them off. I don't want to sound creepy or nothing, but.......you're a hell of a guy. Just to give myself further ammunition for using your standards to set my own, do you mind if I ask how  old you are? 
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
on 2/3/08 8:53 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
my 'old' birthday was at the end of december making me 36. kinda sucks to now be in the 36-50 age group now. :) I don't feel 36 though. I feel closer to my re-birthday which is on 22 march. the thing about long distance running, and i'm sure scott and others runners can attest to, is that it's about 15% motivation, 15% dedication, 20% endurance and 50% heart. anyone can do this!
on 2/3/08 9:30 pm - South of Boulder, CO
Nuthin' better than kickin someones ass who's in a younger age category. I'm 51 and have to admit it feels pretty damn good blowin by a "youngster" on a long climb on my bike. Must be my competitive nature but it's especially gratifying knowing I weighed nearly 500 pounds two years ago as well.  At the same time, I've had guys who were in their late 60's kick my ass so you're right that anyone can do it whether you be 20 or 70.  Boner
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