Trying to dump the lurker status
Hey every one. First let me say I'm a lurker but I have put your advice to good use. I just hit a milestone yesterday and wanted to let ya'll know. It was my one year surgery anniversary and I'm down from 425 lbs to 205 lbs. Size 62 pants to a 38.... yeah thats right 62... I wore em up to the belly button with no DUNLOP disease. i was always afraid my gut would push em down the rest of the way. I went from getting out of breath walking from my car to work to running 5 miles a day, averaging eight and a half minutes a mile. I am looking at going to the ARMY reserves to complete out my time for retirement. I thought that since I had a RNY they wouldn't let me in but the recruiter told me I just have to wait 6 mos from any surgeries. I just had LASIK done so I have to wait awhile. So anyway thats the bullet form of the rip roarng FART I just had. Many more to come.... I hope
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Congrats man. That's quite an accomplishment in 1 year.
Who did you talk to about RNY in the Army? I was an O-3 in the IRR and they gave me my walking papers (Honorable Discharge) when I told them that I was interested in getting back in AND that I had RNY. Originally I got put in the IRR because I was on the fat-boy program and I couldn't be promoted from O-1 to O-2. Maybe it was because I was an officer and not enlisted. I dunno. I'd be interested to talk to whoever you talked to so I can get the clear picture. I've got 8 years left and I get my retirement at 62 as well so I'd love to serve the additional time in the Guard and have that extra bit of jack when I'm an old geezer.