Guys - Don't Forget - "Steak, BJ & STFU Day" Is Feb. 14th!

on 1/31/08 12:52 pm - Garland, TX





 (from a current email going around - "edited" for viewing here!)  * * * * * *



A special holiday for men:






Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for your


wife or girlfriend by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and


any other baubles that women find romantic.




Secretly...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special


holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life.


Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrass ed to admit it.


This is why a new holiday has been creat ed .




March 20th is now officially 'Steak, (BJ) & (STFU) Day.'


Simple, effective and self-explanatory...this holiday has been creat ed so


you ladies can have a day to show your man just how much you love him.




No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town, the name of the holiday


explains it all.






This twin pairing of Valentine's Day and Steak, (BJ) & (STFU) Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much


harder in February to ensure a more memorable March! It's like a perpetual


love machine.




The word is already spreading, but as with any new idea, it ne ed s a little


push to start the ball rolling.


So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world.

attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 2/1/08 1:13 am - Crane, TX
If all women are like mine, and I highly suspect that they are, you better move StBJ&STFU day to January. Mine will renege on a promise in a ******' heartbeat if she's already gotten what she wants.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
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