Gut Tuck; Yes or No??
Joe, I was very lucky in that I had very little excess skin. Just a little roll at my waistline. It did cause a few rashes/irritations. Since I had had the worst of luck with all previous surgery, I was dead set on NOT having any PS to remove extra skin. It took three different Dr.s saying- "You really just need to Do This." Before I even entertained the idea. I was Super "anal-retentive" in selecting the surgeon And finally agreed to have the minimal Panniculectomy done. Fortunately, my insurance paid for every cent. Wow! I’m So Glad I did it. The difference it has made is far beyond what I expected. I guess I thought that there would be a little change. It was a Huge Change. My panniculectomy was the easiest surgery ever. Less of a hassle than a drive-thru order at Burger King. I had little pain and great results. Clearly, quite a difference from All of my previous surgeries. The swelling did last about 5 months longer than I was expecting. I guess I thought by the end of the 3 weeks All would be "back to Normal." That is not typical. Pain was minimal, but swelling drove me a little crazy. That was 2 summers ago. Now? I’d run buck-azzed nekid through the town to get a running jump On to the operating table for my PS. Others have different opinions based on their experience. Mine is definitely in the - "I’d do it even if I had to pay for it Twice!" column. So yeah, but me down as a "Yes." Hope all works out great for you. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Go for it and good luck. I hope to have mine done mid february. I will be 10 months out from my wls. My hernia is really getting to be troublesome so I am opting to do it now. The insurance will pick up about 6 grand and I will have to cough up another 4 thou. Was told to have it done in the winter as compression garments and summer are not good. Tony J. aka peppermrj
I can't say I haven't considered it but I'm fortunate that after 254 pounds lost I don't have THAT much loose skin. Some floppity, flop flop belly skin and a saggy old man ass and that's about it. The skin around my belly gives me a weird 'shapely' figure as my girlfriend commented this weekend when I tried on my triathlon suit but I give a **** I haven't had any rash issues to date either so I count myself fortunate in that arena as well. I do use a LOT of compression gear when I exercise (especially running) and that does wonders for me. If a surgeon offers to do it for free, my insurance covers it or I win it in a drawing I may do it but if I had to pay for it I'm gonna prolly pass.
Besides my old lady (and a few other chicks) has seen me naked and she doesn't have a problem with it so I guess that's all that matters. After all I did do it all for the chicks anyway! heh heh. :)