Gut Tuck; Yes or No??
I had a 16 month checkup today and have been declared stablized and encouraged for hernia repair w/additional abdominplasty/tummy tuck, so there would be both vertical and horizonal cutting and excising. Pictures were taken and the surgeon's office is submitting hte required info to my insurance to if and how much if yes, is covered versus out of pocket. I was also told overnight at the hospital and 2-3 weeks to return to desk job work 4-8 weeks wearing compression garments for proper healing that includeds 2 drains.
It would be nice to lose the flab there and raise my pecker to a more accesible level but i am hesitant. Risk? Vanity? Anybody been there and have an opinion?
Same deal here. Subscribing.
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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Hey Joe,
I had a "gut tuck" and "pubic tuck" 24 months post-WLS and think it was well worth the cost/pain.
I had lost 275 pounds and my weight had stabilized for 12 months. No more floppy skin but most importantly, no more frickin' rashs/boils. Insurance covered large part of it as medically necessary.
Had to do 2 rounds due to the volume of skin which seems to be the norm for most older, former super heavyweights.
Taking up the fight myself Joe. Saw a doc today I liked. She's going to submit to insurance company. Claims to have decent success with it. I'm skeptical, but willing to hear what they say. I'm totally having the pubic region done too. Hoping it adds on several inches and I'll have to get a permit for carrying a concealed weapon.