Upcoming Snow Fart

on 1/31/08 5:09 am - West Valley, UT

Utah snow!!!!!!!!!   You have choosen wisely my friend.  I do believe that is where the Olympics choose to have their little fling several years ago.   Which ever is great. Welcome to Utah, you are coming to some fresh powder that can't be beat. Paul Go, Utah Jazz!!!!!1

 The Incredble Shrinking Man!
on 1/31/08 5:43 am - South of Boulder, CO

Put up your dukes, Paul! Don't know if you realize this, but Colorado was chosen to host the Winter Olympics in 1976 but we  turned it down since we didn't want to "spoil" the environment. After literally spitting in their face, we're effectively personna nongrata olympics-wise, winter or summer. Regarding the Jazz, good team but hardly at the level of "OUR DENVER NUGGETS!" AI and Mello will be leading us to the promise land one of these days, hopefully sooner than later. Seriously, I love Utah and am going to spend 4 days next month in Moab bike riding. Moab has to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Also, I spent a bunch of time working in Morgan, Utah and it is spectacular as well. Morgan was the venue for much of the big time Olympic ski events including the GS.  Utah, great state, great people but still second fiddle to Colorful Colorado!!   Boner

on 1/31/08 6:02 am - West Valley, UT
Just remember, you get second shot at the snow that we don't keep.............. But anyway you look at it, skiing in either state is great.

 The Incredble Shrinking Man!
on 1/31/08 6:11 am - South of Boulder, CO
 so, we're sloppy seconds so to speak, huh?  Both states are indeed great; now Texas on the other hand........  just kidding of course since I know - you DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS! Boner
on 1/31/08 6:22 am - West Valley, UT
One of the cleverest t-shirts that I ever saw was of a snow skier on a tow rope connected to a pig and read "Ski Iowa".  You gotta luv it........... Paul

 The Incredble Shrinking Man!
(deactivated member)
on 2/5/08 4:40 am - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Well now I know what real snow is.... and it sure ain't the 4" of slushy **** our local mountains receive during one of our infamous "Winter Storm Watch, '08"  Holy-**** it was cold, and deep!  We got 28" one night of big-ass flakes..... there was always about 5 to 6 feet of powder present at our elevation.  I have NEVER been in weather like that    We got some snowmobiling in one day. That was new and fun, but we quickly made the discovery that the ski's needed to stay on the groomed paths.  Deviating from packed snow buried two vehicles on us, causing much effort and consternation freeing them. Sightseeing, football, poker, snow ball fights (too powdery to pack a decent one), and adult beverage consumption took up the rest of our time. I'll try to insert some photos later - photobucket is down for maintanance.
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