Upcoming Snow Fart
Well my wife and I are leaving tomorrow AM for Utah for 5 days. I hope to accomplish many winter-time farts: snowmobiling, snowshoeing, x-country skiing, and (maybe) I'll try my hand at snowboarding.
Probably not much of an adventure for most of you folks.... but for a former fat-ass from So. Cal. it will be an experience that I wouldn't have engaged in previously.
Sounds like a great trip but would have been better in Colorado, don't cha know?
My son and I have gone up skiing/boarding the last several weekends teaching my 10 year old daughter how to board. I ski, he boards so he's the teacher and I am the tag-a-long. The snow is amazing and we've had a great time.
From one former fat-ass to another --- Have a great trip, Baja!

I last skied around Christmas of '04. I was probably pushing close to 400 at the time, and I remember it being damned hard work. I was off the slopes and on my way home by 2:30 or so every afternoon. I'm looking forward to skiing again sometime when I'm a normal weight. Have a blast for all of us.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
Boner - the quality of Colorado vs. Utah snow would be lost on this So. Cal. ***** Hell, my nipples turn into "diamond cutters" just by opening the fridge door
Free lodging at our bud's condo in Eden cinched the deal for us
Dx - safe pratices will be observed! I don't want to end up like that other Cali boy - Sonny Bono. We don't play well with ice and trees.....
Jfish - I sure am looking forward to some winter activities! I always wanted to go icefishing... but was afraid my fat asshole would bust through the ice!
I will be sure to give a full report upon my return

On January 30, 2008 at 7:23 PM Pacific Time, nicksohnrey wrote:
If you get a chance give me a call .
Im in the phone , my last nime is( Sohnrey )
I think It would a fun afternoon If you have the time .
NickOn January 31, 2008 at 4:41 AM Pacific Time, Paul in Dallas wrote:
Just in case you need extra incentive to stay safe and not go Sonny Bono on us, if you do we WILL send you to the taxidermist and have them stuff you shaking your fist in the air, then post you as the gargoyle guardian statue sentry at the locker room door; all in all a very good reason not to try and occupy the same space at the same time as a tree is already doing.