up date on my life
just thaught id stop in for a minute to up date everyone on my wife leaving me i think she has her mind made up so im not gonna beat myself up to much more i got her reason she said she wanted more out of life she cant live on hopes and promises i guess the going gets tuff some bail i guess i took to long to get this surgery and get my life back together she did do most of the finacial matter and burdon but im still doing my diet and going through with my surgery and persue my dreams life kicks you ,you get back up and keep going im tired of laying down due to my weight and and what ever so ill keep in touch hope all is well and we will see what the future holds
Sorry for your pain.
Knowing that tomorrow holds new promise,
Doesn’t make such problems seem to suk any less today.
But, keep your eyes on the horizon
And know that it will be a memory in the past soon enough.
Learn what you can from it,
And don’t skew your future by looking back to much.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable