Who do you tell....
I am just wondering what you guys do when someone asks you how you lost all your weight. I don't mind tell close friends and family I had gastric bypass. But when I run into a really old friend I haven't seen in a while or just someone you know but not real well I don't tell them I got gastric bypass. What do you guys do?
I'm not keeping anything from anybody. Everybody I know, knows. If they think less of me for the approach I have taken to weight control, then **** 'em and feed 'em fishheads.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
I agree with both replies. I'm very open with everyone. Occasionally you get the "easy way" comment. At that point you decide if it's worth educating then or just ignoring. I usually try to educate (maybe it will save the next person from getting that comment).
I like educating people about the surgery and will speak with anyone. I've had some people decide to go forward with it and others decide to hold off. It doesn't matter to me, I'm all for people getting healthier any way they can and supporting them in that quest.
I have only told a few people because I don't want to go through the explanation that needs to accompany the disclosure. I just tell people what I have/have not been eating for the past 8 months. Basically, it is a private matter and although I am proud of what has been accomplished, 5 years from now will be when I judge the effectiveness of my decisions. Maybe I will be more open at that time if I have kept the weight off.....now I'm still skeptical. The few people that I have told are those who might benefit from the surgery; I want to answer any questions they may have. YMMV.
Mike H
I was telling everyone that asked that I had the surgery, but that got old after awhile trying to explain the why's and what for's. So now, if its not a person that is always in my life someway or another, I tell them I watch what I eat, cut out sugars, no bread, rice or pasta, and portion control(thats a funny one too).
I'm right up front.
"I had Gastric Bypass."
I've never been met with anything other than "Congratulations."
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable