Protein on the go...
I haven't tried this stuff but I sent away for it. Thought you guy's might want to try it...
Post Date: 1/28/08 6:00 pm
Hello OH Members,
Looking for a protein drink supplement to take on the run? Designer Whey has a special message and FREE protein sample offer for OH Members! See below:
From Designer Whey:
Today we lead very busy lives, making it difficult to follow a proper diet and eat healthy. DESIGNER WHEY(r) is preparing to combat this trend with the release of PROTEIN*2GO supplement paks. It is now easier for anyone on-the-go to grab a healthy powdered drink supplement with PROTEIN*2GO paks, on your way to work, the gym, carpool or daycare, just add the protein powder to a water bottle, shake and enjoy. For a FREE sample coupon, click here

And a Free Sample to Boot?!
I can't find a "downside."
Thanks for passing this on!!
Best Wishes-

Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable