Solid Food Doldrums????

on 1/29/08 5:49 am
OK, I posted last week about my stomach discomfort and problems since I've gone back to solid foods, a "soft" diet.  Had a checkup with the surgeon Monday and asked him specifically about this, he seemed to think everything was pretty good.  He didn't scope me or anything, but said if I had a major problem like a stricture, I'd be way sicker than just a little nausea. So, my question is, is it normal to have some problems a while out from surgery.  I was expecting a lot of nausea, vomiting, etc, right after, but it was all smooth sailing.  Now, at 5 1/2 weeks out, I'm having a harder time of it -- a lot of nausea, discomfort, and some dry heaves.  I feel kinda crappy now, I thought I'd feel better as time went on, kinda feeling worse. So, I think this is actually probably pretty normal.  During the immediate aftermath of the surgery, we get pain meds, etc.  Had prevacid for a month to protect the stomach.  Ate only liquids and then purees.  I'm kinda thinking this is a normal, right-of-passage kind of thing, as your digestive tract gets used to having less support from meds and faces tougher challanges with new, harsher types of foods. I've learned to really chew well and slow down, quite amazed at myself at how well I'm doing with this.  And, for those of you who have read past posts of mine, no, I'm NOT drinking pop (soda for those of you not from the midwest).  I've been a good boy, all in all.  Just don't really want to eat or drink much, since it leaves me feeling kinda yuck -- that, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing" feeling, from 1/4 cup of eggs!  I'm starting out with 2 1/2 to 3 cups total food intake a day, but I must confess, sometimes it's easier to feed half of it to the dog than to choke it down! One positive thing the Dr. did agree with me on -- said it's time to start cutting back on the meds, since they irritate my stomach anyway, even pre-surgery.  Yeah! So, am I right in thinking this is just one of those normal, pain in the butt things which too, soon will pass?  I'm hoping not to have a stomach ache/discomfort every time I eat or drink by the spring, so I'll really feel good and get out there and lose the weight. Dan
on 1/29/08 9:40 am - Crane, TX
I can't really offer you any advice as mine has gotten better every week. In fact, I'm a little worried about how much I can eat if I let myself. I was hoping for a little more restriction than what I have. All I can say is hang in there buddy. You gotta believe that you'll get your wheels back under you shortly.
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.
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