Stomach Pain
Hey Guys! I need your assistance with some thing. I have a lot of stomach pain with a lot of gas.
I went to see my Surgeron today, and he said it my be might be my Gallbladder. Have any you have this problem. Will this cause that much pain? I will be going for a ultrasound and a CT tommorrow.
I am 15 months post op. Any suggestions? or even comments!
I had my gall bladder out about 25 years ago. This was after a liquid diet and no fats for 10 months. I was told that the pain is similar to what you would feel with a heart attack so if I ever felt it again see a doc quick. There was no comfortable position when I was having the pain (always after eating something fatty). It was really bad. I went to the emergency room both time I had the attacks. The first time, it got better while I was there so they sent me home. the 2nd time, they admitted me and I was the for a week of testing before they diagnosed the gall bladder. The pain was bad.
Best of luck to you. When they took mine out they did open surgery. These days it's much better wit lap surgery.
Yep, Gallbladder can cause MUCH Pain.
The surgery to remove one is simple compared to WLS.
At 15 months Post,
It should be Way easier to deal with.
Hope the tests tomorrow pin down the problem and lead to a quick fix for you.
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
if you've been following my saga, i've been hospitalized about four or five times (by way of the ER) for stomach distress. they always think gall bladder because of the severity. i get so doubled over and frozen they can't get an IV started and have to shoot me with tons of morophine to calm it down.
they ran every test known to man. still can't find the problem but here's something that helped. i started back up on flaxseed oil along with my benefiber. in an another words, keep things moving daily. also, try to find out if it's something you eat that starts the episode going, like pasta or rice or bread or whatever.
those tests you're taking will look for obstructions and kinks. also, they'll know if you have an impacted turd in there and that can cause problems big time too. btw, gas will hurt more than anything in the world! you may only have that problem. try taking beano before meals too. you just may be experiencing a lot of gas problems and nothing more. email me if you want, i've spent a lot of time and money chasing down my problem and i've taken every test to find it too. also, see if you can get the nuclear cat scan. this way they can follow the liquid down its path. not many hospitals have this type of cat but i would have that type first as it will tell if there's obstructions...carbonblob
if you've been following my saga, i've been hospitalized about four or five times (by way of the ER) for stomach distress. they always think gall bladder because of the severity. i get so doubled over and frozen they can't get an IV started and have to shoot me with tons of morophine to calm it down.
they ran every test known to man. still can't find the problem but here's something that helped. i started back up on flaxseed oil along with my benefiber. in an another words, keep things moving daily. also, try to find out if it's something you eat that starts the episode going, like pasta or rice or bread or whatever.
those tests you're taking will look for obstructions and kinks. also, they'll know if you have an impacted turd in there and that can cause problems big time too. btw, gas will hurt more than anything in the world! you may only have that problem. try taking beano before meals too. you just may be experiencing a lot of gas problems and nothing more. email me if you want, i've spent a lot of time and money chasing down my problem and i've taken every test to find it too. also, see if you can get the nuclear cat scan. this way they can follow the liquid down its path. not many hospitals have this type of cat but i would have that type first as it will tell if there's obstructions...carbonblob
Sometimes finding the source of the pain leads to discoveries that were never intended.
I had gall bladder pain and had the ultrasound done. It showed that yes indeed, I had gall bladder problems but more importantly, it showed that I had a TUMOR GROWING ON MY KIDNEY! The two were totally unrelated but if it were not for the ultrasound to look at the gall bladder, the tumor in the kidney would not have been found until it would have been too late! I can now say that WLS saved my life TWICE!
Get it checked out. Oh, BTW, the gall bladder pain did get better on it's own. This does not happen for everyone but it did for me.
Get it hot, hit it HARD,
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Hammering away the pounds!