Scale Questions...
on 1/27/08 11:13 pm - Houston, TX
on 1/27/08 11:37 pm - Houston, TX

I do the same as Russ, I weigh first thing in the morning after I take **** and dump if needed. Don't discount the weight of a good dump. I have weighed myself after what I thought was a good one and have seen as much as a pound or two difference. I bought a pair of TANITA scales based on some ones recommendation here. They are not cheap, but they are the only scales that I have that give me the same weight when I step off and back on. I two or three other ones at the house that wil give me a different weight ever time I get on them. They weigh up to 440 lbs. I bought mine at The model I have is HD351 I think. At the time i think I caught them on sale for about $60.00 or so. If I figure in the cost of the other scales I have and don't use these would have been cheaper. TANITA is the brand that my surgeon uses as well. Mine are with in a few oz's of his.
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