Where Oh Where Has Our (Lyricaldreamer) Gone???
Hey Paul,
Yeah, I think it might have been. It was one of those 'which came first, chicken or egg" things... I'm not sure if I felt bad because I wasn't eating much, or wasn't eating much because I felt bad.. LOL. Plus, with our Ohio weather bouncing up and down, my knees and back have been in more pain than I've had since before surgery. Also, I've had a terrible time sleeping lately. For some reason my sleep rythms are all screwed up. In the past week, I slept like 2 hrs a couple nights, couldn't sleep at all one night, slept like 15 hrs another night!
I think my body just said 'That's it, we're sleeping.. LOL.
. As I type this, it's about 3:15 am and I have to be up in the am to take my boy to school.. and of course, here I am.. LOL.
My weight loss slowed down a little this month, but I've lost 77 pounds in the 2 months since surgery. I'd still like to see it speed back up a little, but hey, I'm happy with the loss!
ps... my family is ready for me to build a second bathroom.... in the words of Lynard Skynard..."Ohh that smell!"... I've said it before.. but dang..... that ain't right...