my wife left me

on 1/27/08 10:31 pm - Kokomo, IN
Dude.  I'm sorry to hear this. Going through all the physical and mental issues post WLS is hard enough, without getting kicked in a whole new way besides. 

"Let's get small."  - Steve Martin

on 1/27/08 11:28 pm - Meridianville, AL
Man, hate to hear this. Hopefully it will work out for you two. Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on, buddy.
BamaBob54    756997.jpg picture by BamaVulcan04   ROLL TIDE!!!
Gerald W.
on 1/27/08 11:33 pm - Del Rio, TX
Hang in here whenyou need to. Good Luck
Tony the tiger
on 1/27/08 11:35 pm
Sorry to here that.  I will keep you in my prayers.  As you can tell we are here when you need us.
on 1/27/08 11:49 pm - Baton Rouge, LA
So sorry to hear that bro.    I hope everything turns out for the best.  
on 1/28/08 12:51 am - Willingboro, NJ
I looked at your profile and I don't think you've had WLS yet so that probably isn't a factor with your situation.  I am glad that the men here are being supportive and compassionate.  I, too, pray for you at this difficult time.
on 1/28/08 1:05 am - los angeles, CA
we're here for ya. i turned to this board when i had problems with the pain med thing. you might want to think of coming here more than less. we know where you're coming from. like sj, jv and attypaul i would like to know if you think wls had anything to do with it. i don't need personal info just wanted to know that much if you don't mind sharing. it seems a lot of guys in here have gone through that because of wls. i know you're in pain. try to come here and post. a lot of support is in here for you.....carbonblob
on 1/28/08 1:00 am - Kokomo, IN
Sorry, I didn't look at your profile before I posted.  Not that it really matters.  The PRE-surgery bull**** you have to go through is ALSO traumatic enough, without getting ANOTHER kick in the jewels. Come back when you can.  There's a lot of back-and-forth bull****ting here (hey, we can't help it - we're guys ), but more importantly, there's a lot of rock-solid advice and support. Take care, dude.

"Let's get small."  - Steve Martin

on 1/28/08 2:48 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Thats a tuff pill to swallow.   But one door closing usually means theres another door open or opening. Try to hold on and go toward the light,..unless it sounds like a train!! We're here.
Joe Green 
Colonial Heights VA
[email protected]
on 1/28/08 2:50 am, edited 1/28/08 7:08 am - South of Boulder, CO
I hear you and feel for you. About 6 months after WLS, my wife didn't leave me but booted me out of the house. It's been a tough year and a half but I've dealt with it and keep moving on. We haven't yet got divorced but things don't look good although our relationship vacillates on what seems to be a daily basis.  Was WLS a contributing factor to my breakup? Absofreakinlutley! The dymanics in our marriage changed tremendously from when I was a lethargic 500 pound pile to an energetic "ball of fire."  Oftentimes, I hear that if you have a solid marriage prior to WLS, it will only get better and vice versa. Possibly true but much too simple of a statement imo (a Dr. Phil kind of wisdom so to speak ). I really doubt we would have separated if I hadn't lost all the weight. My wife had grown accustomed to the lethargic me and, quite frankly, had grown to be lethargic herself. In retrospect, our lives had become boring and I was ready to kick it up a notch and she wasn't.  So, does that mean we didn't have a solid marriage prior to WLS or that the change in dynamics created a chasm between us. I think the latter is the biggest factor in my case. Blissful marital relationships (aka true love) are hard to figure out.   Anywho, best of luck in working your way through the situation. All things will pass. Boner.     
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