First Triathlon Goal? Complete!
It's official... I'm now a triathlete. :) But sheeshus am I tired. The event in Dallas was cancelled due to bad weather and dangerous conditions to the athletes so my buddy and I decided to organize and participate in our own 'unsanctioned' event today. We did the exact same distances as the one that was cancelled (350m swim / 13mi bike / 5K run) and even though we were the only participants we both had a blast. This was a little baby step on my road to Kona but it was a step nonetheless. More details on my OH blog along with some pics.
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Link to my running journal
4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
Thanks guys. The "day after" everything feels good to go but my ass. I feel like someone smacked me a few dozen times with a 2X4 on my backside. The seat on my bike has GOT to be the most uncomfortable piece of **** on the planet. And here I was thinking that the cycle portion of the event would be the easiest. Strangely enough running, which I thought would be the hardest event, was the easiest followed by the swim (mostly because it was only 350m) with the bike being the most difficult.
Now I'm back in marathon training mode for the Mardi Gras Marathon on 24 February. My next 'sanctioned' triathlon event is a little over a month away.