Protein and Vitamins
I got my sample packs of protein today and some of them are very interesting tasting. The Calcium citrate is only 400mg so I’m stuck sucking on 4 of those a day. At least they don’t taste bad, so far all of the pills that I have gotten from Bariatric Advantage have tasted good. Does anyone know if there is a Calcium citrate that is bigger then 400mg?
I was started out on 630mgs of Calcium Citrate twice a day. (Be sure and check your label carefully. With Citrical the dosage reads – 630mgs per serving. Serving = 2 pills at 315mgs each. That gets a lot of people) Then at around the 6th month he had me drop to just 630mgs once a day, Then at year one he had me drop to just one 315 mg of Calcium supplement. Dosage should always be based on blood-work results rather than some ‘set in stone’ number. Starting out on a handful of those tablets is pretty typical. Just stay on top of your doc and lab/blood work. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable