I'm home
Well I'm home from the hospital and I fee like crap. But I think it is slowly getting better.
Walking, sipping and taking the meds they gave me. I still feel like I'm bloated all the way up to my throat.
Thaks for all the emails and notes of support
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Hey Scott. Glad everything went well man. Just keep telling yourself that it will be better tomorrow because I promise it will be. Every passing day will be better than the day before and before you know it you'll be off the painfully tortoureous liquid diet and graduate to the soft foods.
Congrats man and best of luck on your journey from here on out!
It does go away, slowly but surely! Dont ever let the mind try to convince you that this was the wrong thing toi do!!
Keep it up and keep posting!!
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey
Glad to hear you are home on the mend. Take it easy for a while yet. These first weeks can suk. Rest when you can, Keep sipping water, walk little distances, often. And know that it does get way easier soon. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
You posted here a long time as a non-op. Congrats on finally getting it done and best of luck. You've had the fortune of seeing others through it,, which will help, but there are still battles to be fought.
Good luck on the sipping and walking and hope the pain and bloating goes away soon.
Best Wishes,