Back from the Hospital
Well, Guys I am on the flip side. Surgery went well. I was up and walkin within in two hours and it seems like all I have done is walk and walk. I feel the best when I walk and the worst when I lie flat down for to long. The hospital did a great job and my doctors were there every step of the way. I had some chest pain from gas, but walking which lead to burbing help with that along with the pain meds. My only issue was I could unrinate after they took out the cathered. So I went 12 hours with out peeing and so guess what I got only this time fully conscience, another cathered. The nurse even thought it would help by showing it to me before putting it in. That did not help, All I can say is that I felt violated afterwards. Well the next day they took it out again and still no action on my part. We came to the conclusion that it was the epidural. Well needless to say last night with about 1/2 hour until it was going to go back in. (They sonogramed my bladder and it had 700ml in it) The waters began to flow. Praise God! Other that than I did have one rough night, but I think I am through the worst of it. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Hi Jason,
Glad you're home and on the way to a greatly improved life. You're doing it right by walking a lot. Try to sip water as often as you can; that really helps, especially right after surgery.
The urination thing plagues a lot of guys--anesthesia, being weaned from pre-op diuretics, etc. can slow things down. Glad you p***ed your way out!
Welcome to the losers' side.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
I'm glad to hear that your surgery went well.
I had a hard time peeing after they took out my cather and they were going to put it back in. However, I somehow managed a few squirts and got away without it. Then things slowly started to work again.
Keep walking and drinking. The first few weeks are the worst. It gets much better later.