Way past nervous
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
on 1/17/08 11:20 pm - MN
WARNING!! Lie Detectors Tell the Truth!
Scott, Full out Fear and some pretty strong emotions Approaching the surgery time Are as common as Deep Navels out here. Congratulations on all you’ve done to this point to prep For a successful surgery. Enjoy MLK Day with your loved ones, and keep running in the back of your mind— "I Have a Dream!" Hope and pray you are dancing at your grandson’s wedding, And hitting on one of the bridesmaid’s moms…J side note: if ‘anxious’ the morning of the surgery? Ask, soon as they bring you the peek-a-boo-butt-gown, "Can I get something for my anxiety? I think I may have a panic attack if I don’t get a little something to calm my nerves." They will ‘hook you up.’ Ask. If you hear them say "propofol" or "fentanyl" or a word that has that in the description/name, get ready for an injection of Grandmother Love and the Joy of Jesus! Not that I’m a ‘druggie,’ but having 8 surgeries in less than 4 years, I became a bit of an anesthesia/pain med connoisseur. IV Valium is also a little Bonus if they offer. Hey, your going in for the whole deal, why not get all the pleasant perks that are available? (by my 4th surgery? I was asking for ‘Pre-Op Anxiety Meds’ as I was signing in at the desk! ) Have the Greatest on Tuesday! Know that we’re pulling for you, As are countless others…. Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable