Notification device for Meds ?
I take all of mine (Except my Calcium) either as part of my morning routine- Shower/shave/ breakfast… Or as my bedtime routine…. The Calcium, I keep a bottle in my desk drawer, One in my car, and one sitting at my computer monitor. When ever I see it, I think- "Oh yeah, I need to take that now…" That has worked well for me for well over 4 years… Early on it seemed like a lot of vitamins and such to keep track of. Now that it has folded into habit, I hardly ever even think about it at all. (Others may have very different experiences…) Best Wishes- Dx
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
My doctors office gave me a sheet of post wls goodies to look at including med alert bands and this little gadget it's a pill reminder with compartment for the pills. It's a little expensive, but since you were asking, I thought I would post it Scott