Rules of the Locker Room
Damn man you had me rollin on the ground. Oh and by the way, I hold th eunofficial record for #15!!
Keep em coming...
OH Certified Support Group Leader
Pasadena Support Group 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Katy Krew Support Group 4th Monday at 6:30pm
'This is my glock, There are many like it, but this one is MINE.' R Lee Ermey
Hey CF,
How is my favorite brother these days..... Dx is the resident authority on just about anything WLS related!!
FARTs shall be savored as if they were a fine wine or at least a good beer!!
We encourage all members to share all jokes; we are an equal opportunity offender!!
The locker room welcomes all members regardless of: size, shape, race, heritage, sexual preference, religion, WLS procedure, IQ, or national origin as long as you got a pair!!
All opinions are welcomed and encouraged but we reserve the right to also tell you ours...
Discussions of having to throw away our old underwear before their time will be done with the utmost respect (we hate to leave a fallen soldier behind). Buckeye John Rule - We reserve the right to tell you to take your whiny-ass bull**** out of our locker room while using all of George Carlin's “Seven words you can't say on TV” plus a few we will make up along the way.
Yes we did say NO F*CKING DRAMA!!! (This one can never be repeated enough!!)
Take Care,
All drugs, protein bars, supplements, WLS story or medical procedures are always open for discussion in the locker room.
Addendum to Tim’s "suggested additions:" "Dx is [NOT] the resident authority on just about anything WLS related!!" [but he may have corresponded with a known an authority is the past]
[No Drama, just Theater!] (A good laugh, show, and/or heart felt moment is always appreciated, just not a petty snarkasm…) [October-Fest? Yes… Brat-Fest? Yes… Whine-fest? No!] And, the one that seems to have been omitted completely…. "The Three Emoticon Rule!" If it takes more than 3 Emoticons to express what it is you have to say? You be perceived as being overly dramatic. Make your point and move on…. Stop being an And, the one that seems to have been omitted completely….Emoticon-*****!
Sort of like that- "Two shakes at the urinal, and you’re being careful not to drip in your jeans, More than Three, and you’re whacking off!" (This is not a hard and fast rule, and by "hard and fast," I’m back to the emoticon limits, not the urinal analogy anymore, so get your mind out of your shorts. If what you have to say is Exceptional, or you wish what you are typing to expression "Exceptional Emotion?" Make sure that the excessive use of emoticons is the ‘exception’ not the rule. Yes? Only Shout when what you have to say is best SHOUTED! If you shout all of the time, people will grow deaf to your message.) Other exception to the "3 Emoticon Rule." "Larry Perry has Carte Blanche." ….now, back to the usual posting……. Which is a lot of lurking…….. Best Wishes- Dx
The free man owns himself. He can damage himself with either eating or drinking....... If he does he is certainly a damn fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but if he may not, he is not a free man any more than a dog.