Kinda OT - Made First Jerky Today

on 12/22/07 3:44 pm - Garland, TX
  With my recent weight re-gain and an eye toward the "protein protein protein" rule, I splurged $40+ at Wal-Mart and bought myself a jerky maker/deyhdrator for my "Merry Xmas to me" gift this year ..  It's one of those fancy round ones with like four clear plastic "shelves" to hold the stuff while a warming fan blows on it from above, kinda like a low-speed hair blowdryver.  I also bought a maker "gun" to squirt out the beef strips and sticks onto the shelves.  The machine and gun came with several packets of "cure" (mostly salt), and flavoring packets, which ranged from "regular" to "extra spicy" and "terriyaki" ..   Today I made my first batch of jerky using  one lb. of Laura's "extra lean" ground beef and one of the "regular" jerky seasoning packets and cure packets that came with the machine  ..  After four hours of putting up with the annoying loud blowing sound coming from the fan on the machine, the first batch appeared ready:  thin sticks, thick sticks, and strips.   Not too bad!   It came out a lot like the stuff in the store bought packages, although a bit drier (next time I may reduce the drying time to 3 hours, or use less lean ground beef) .. Best thing, though, is that it is CHEAPER than the packaged stuff (atl east once I recoup the $40+ spent on the machine, that is).  I can't wait now to try the other flavors ... I also want to try the steak strip method, marinating them in a solution using the flavoring packets before drying ..    yummmm   Anyone else got jerky stories to share? 
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 12/22/07 9:37 pm - South of Boulder, CO
I bought a jerky maker / food dehydrator 6 months ago and I've been using it like a madman. I dry apples, pears, pineapple (the best), tomatoes, bananas, peppers, mushrooms. Dried fruit makes a mean trail mix as I mix in almonds and walnuts. I take a small bag with me on my longer bike rides. Really heathy snack but need to remember all things in moderation but sure beats munching on junk food. I put the dried tomatoes, mushrooms and peppers in my salads for the crunch impact and they taste great as well.  Regarding jerky, I always use 90% lean ground beef for my meat sticks. I tried 80-85% and it is really greasy. Just cut back on your temp / time and it will turn out great. I make my own seasoning whi*****ludes garlic powder, nutmeg, red and black pepper, accent, bbq sauce, tenderquick cure and a touch of worchester sauce. I also through in some dried hot peppers for a spicier version. The recipe calls for salt but the cure and the bbq sauce has plenty so I don't put any add'l in.  I'm moving on to muscle meet jerky after Christmas once I get my slicer as a present. Cool hobby, it's easy, more tasty and less expensive than storebought if you get your fruit and meat on sale.  Have fun with your dehydrator.
on 12/23/07 12:23 am, edited 12/23/07 12:23 am
I used to do this a few years ago. We bought it because we could make it for camping snacks, and because it was so much cheaper than the store bought stuff. We really enjoyed it, but our dehydrator gave up on us. I don't remember the brand. I bought some jerky to take to work last week, and my wife mentioned that we need to get a new one. I think after the first of the year, I am going to start looking around for one again. Hey Boner, could you post the actual recipe for the seasoning mix you use. I would like to try something with a little less salt than the pre-packaged stuff.
Even the toughest criminals become remarkably docile
once separated from society by six feet of soil.

on 12/23/07 6:15 am - Marlton, NJ
Lap Band on 12/04/06 with
Wolfgore, i had to chime in that if you really enjoy beef jerky, which is a great snack with lots of protein, here's a link to a site called jerky net. I have been buying their beef jerky for a while. Jerky can be real expensive, as you know,  in most stores it runs about $24.00 per lb. On jerky net it's only $9.69 per lb. I don't know how they do it (maybe they use roadkill [LOL]). But I've had all they flavors (there are 4) and they all are good. Since you don't have you dehydrator anymore I thought you might want to try this. Click here: JerkyNet....World Kitchens Online Factory Outlet Store  Hope this helps. Enjoy. Dan
on 12/24/07 5:18 am - Garland, TX
I highly recommend this Nesco unit ..  It runs well and is easy to monitor and clean-up ..  The only thing I don't like is the loud noise of the fan .. about like that of a blow dryer on low setting .  But if you can stick it in a side room somewhere with the door closed, you're good to go ..   yes ..  Boner .. please post your recipe ..  I don't know what's in these Nesco cure and seasoning packets (they don't have a listing on them - odd) but I'm worried about the salt and MSG content .   This jerky seems to really make my legs swell up bad (I have LE) ..  If I can control some of that content with my own recipe that would work better for me .. 
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
George T.
on 12/24/07 7:23 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

There is a real good spice store over in Fort Worth.  Penderey's I believe.  It is in a house.  Tons of spices.  It is a house that was converted into a store.  Right across from the Baylor.   A lot of saltfree stuff. 

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 12/24/07 8:38 pm - Garland, TX
 Sounds good, George ..  If I ever make it over to one of the Ft. Worth support group meetings, I'll check them out ..      I wonder if Bass Pro carries any jerky spices as well?   there is one just a few hundred feet from my condo complex ..   Anyone know?
attydallas_dblcentury.jpg picture by cmirving 
on 12/24/07 3:12 am - Baton Rouge, LA

I bought one of those too around 4 months ago and have done a few batches.   It's messy as hell but the jerky comes out great.   It took me a few times to get it right.  The first time I made jerky crisps because I cooked it too long but the last few batches have been right on.  I usually add more spices to it like a little ground clove, cinnamon, worcheshire sauce and some ground pepper flakes.  

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