Anyone had any dates lately?
I'm trying to find alternatives to candy and other junk foods and I've recently started eating some dates. I know that dried fruits are usually not recommended because of their high sugar content but I figured they couldn't be worse than regular candy.
I remembered that my elderly aunts used to serve dates and figs as treats around the winter holidays. So, I've been having some over the past few weeks and I really savor them. I can eat them slowly without the rush I usually get from candy. I've also started having raisins. I want prunes but my wife has nixed them since I really don't need them. I hope to try some other dried fruits in the new year, but I'm able to exercise control and just have a little at a time.
I thought I could get a rise out of some of the regulars with that question since most of you know that I am a happily married man. I mentioned by new found love for dates on Christmas Eve at my folks' house and on Christmas at my mother-in-law's. They said that dates, figs, and other dried fruits were a real treat around the holidays when they were young. Part of the reason for that is that they came from exotic locales. Now we get them from California.
I may give thought to getting a dehydrator in the future but I can already foresee my wife complaining that we don't have any place to put it in our kitchen. I don't think that should be a problem because it wouldn't be used every day and I could store it in our attached garage.