I'm so depressed

Jamie Jordan
on 12/22/07 8:08 pm - Cincinnati, OH
I've been out of surgery since November 6th and all I want to do is sleep all day and stay up all night.  I've only lost fourty three pounds and feel like it's not coming off fast enough.  Anyone else experience a depression after surgery?
on 12/22/07 9:03 pm - Chantilly, VA
James, First, 43 lbs lost in 6 weeks is a great start. Different people have different results, and it may help you to not compare your loss with that of other people. Second, Unless you are working mid shift, I would suggest that you change sleep schedule, regardless of what your body "wants to do". You need to be focusing on the WLS basics, such as walking, getting in your protein, drinking lots of water, etc. I expect that this is more difficult at night - and your night owl habits may really be getting in the way of your weight loss. At night there is a tendency to just sit in front of a TV. During the day you may find it easier to stay active. Third, You need to have interaction with other people, and try to join a WLS support group. Most people are out and about during the day, and you may experience more success by getting out during the daytime. Third, Your body needs daylight to feel healthy and happy. People who don't get enough daylight are more prone to depression. It is just the way most people are made. You can do this. If necessary call your Doc or Nut and talk with them. Best wishes, Joe Bear
on 12/22/07 9:37 pm
James, first off this is very normal.  So hang in there.  Second of all, you need to make sure you eating at least 80grams of protein a day, whether that is through a shake or solid foods.  A great one is Pure Whey from Champion Nutrition.  Finally, get an Iron supplement if you are not already on them.  You can find one at www.bestbariatricsupply.com It's actually one of the best tasting things you are able to eat at this time.  That helped my energy a ton.  That and Vitamin D.  I went through this as well.  Hang in there, it gets better.  But getting enough protein and making sure you are not eating carbs like mashed potatoes or noodles, rice from soup is also key.   43 lbs in 6 weeks is not bad at all.  That's 7 lbs a week or 24,500 less calories than your body was used to in a week's time.  You lose that kind of weight and your body thinks it is starving unless you are getting the 80grams + of protein.   Hope this helps.  Hang in there, it gets way better. Blessings, Greg
on 12/22/07 9:42 pm - South of Boulder, CO
Pretty common to get the "what the hell did I do to myself" blues post-WLS. Your body (and mind for that matter) is going through an amazing transition. Just stay with the program by eating well and getting in your exercise and the blues will pass and the weight will continue to drop.  Best of luck.
Gerald W.
on 12/23/07 1:06 am - Del Rio, TX
I venture to think nearly everyone second guesses. In eight months I have gone from morbid obese 346 to hitting my personal goal weight of 214 which is over weight.The mind will play games with you.
on 12/23/07 3:27 am - Willingboro, NJ
Many people do suffer from situational depression following WLS.  If you are feeling depressed, you should see your primary doctor and discuss your condition.  He may want to prescirbe a mild sleeping pill such as Ambien which is not addictive.  And, he may want to prescribe a short term treatment of a mild antidepressant.  In that case, he would usually see you again in 2-3 months to see if you are recovered from the depression.  You can probably then be weaned off of the meds.   Yes, you will be better off if you can get out in the sunlight each day.  But, in the winter mos that may not be a good option in many parts of the country.  You can buy special indoor lights if you suffer from seasonal depression due to lack of sunlight.
Jamie Jordan
on 12/23/07 3:52 am - Cincinnati, OH
Thanks guys that was some great advice.  I would have never thought to take iron suppliments.   You guys are terrific
(deactivated member)
on 12/23/07 5:04 am - FL
Hey There, Make sure that you don't forget the sunlight as JoeBear meantioned.  I believe that it is necessary in the absorption or processing of vitamin D.  I work inside and my doctor told me I needed to get sunshine to feel more energized and it worked. Good Luck, Eugene
on 12/23/07 10:58 am
I'm right behind you on this.  I had surgery 12/20 and came home yesterday. On wikipedia, the article on bariatric surgery mentions post-op depression as a major undisclosed side effect == like post-partum depression in women, it goes away after a while, but can be pretty rough. I agree with all of the above posters -- do what you can.  BUT, DON"T BE AFRAID TO ASK YOUR DOCTORS FOR HELP.  I've had some moderate bouts of depression, and let me tell you, the drugs they have now, Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors, are really effective.  Too many people are afraid of the stigma of asking for help with depression, but its just a chemical imbalance, like diabetes.  Ask for help, get a medication.   Many of the major ones are now off patent, so the generics are cheap.   Dan
on 12/24/07 12:46 pm, edited 12/24/07 12:47 pm - Garland, TX

43 pounds is not a bad start, at all .. !

  Re:  the sleeping thing .. the body is trying to make up for the rapid weight loss ..  and adjust ..  also to "rest" after all the trauma of the surgery and undergoing the general anesthesia ..  It sometimes will last for weeks or even months ..

  but yes, post-op depression is not unusual ..  and is usually biological ..  It is supposedly caused by a flood of estrogen into the bloodstream from the metabolizing of the fat as part of the fast weight loss process ..  The biological effect therefore is akin to post-partum depression in women ..   Sometimes patients get on anti-depressants at this point in time and find it really helps them ..

  Good luck and keep us posted on this .. !

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