Should I eat?
yeah, it' natural not to feel hungry as it is to feel the opposite. your nerves are barely healed so you don't get the full feeling right away. for me it was seven months before i felt full. but from the beginning i never felt really hungry anymore. now do not stop eating! you need protein big time and especially breakfast. so if you don't feel like eating at least drink a protein shake. believe me, for the first six months you could eat a horse everyday and lose weight. rny is just that way. go for protein first and water. get at least that much down you. take care.....carbonblob
You need vitamin supplements and protein. If you omit protein, instead of burning fat your body will burn protein for your weight loss. It really doesn't take a huge amount of protein intake to keep your body from burning muscle (protein), but you need some daily. You want to spare your body's protein as you lose the weight. Your heart is a muscle.....don't risk it.
Mike H