Who Should I Give My Size 60 Wool Suit To???
Some of you may remember my post a few weeks (months?) ago wherein I mentioned I have a size 60 or so brand new dark gray wool suit - purchased for $500.00+ at "Big & Tall For Less" 2-3 years ago - that I used for a couple of trials in the past ..
I would now like to give that suit away for Xmas to one of the three persons that expressed an interest in having it --- Raysbaby, Lyricaldreamer, and GoingMobile ... I'm really bad at these things (i.e. deciding which person needs it the most and should get it), so I would ask that the three of you please post more about your cir****tances and plans for the suit if you get it, here .. I guess the other Men's Forum members can then PM me with their "votes" as to which person they think it should go to and we'll decide it that way .. (?)

Well, it all started when my dog died.... wait..that was a different story!
Seriously, the way I'm losing, I'm going to be needing clothes...LOL...
Um...cir****tances... married with children, one high school senior, one junior in college... need I say more?? LOL.
Plans for the suit.. .wear the sucker!
(Thanks GM
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