They are great for toning and cardio. The basic ones I see are start standing, drop to squat with hands on the deck, kick back feet into push up position, you can opt to do a few push ups and/or knee raises or just bring feet back up to squat and then stand. Rinse and repeat as necessary. I have seen variations with jumping jacks also. I know there are several law enforcement people here, so I think they will back me up. The days of the big swoll muscle bound inmate is pretty much gone (in cali anyway). They lost there weight piles a few years ago. In the meantime they have learned to wokout in a way that they are now lean, flexible, strong as freakin oxes. I don't know what is worse. I am using these techniques in my pre-op exercise program and will continue post-op. I found I can do some of these at work (I work nights). They are great when you are travelling, can't afford or don't have access to a gym or just want a quick workout to burn off some energy.
Good luck