Got told to bring it to the Men Forum
Hi Tommy. Welcome to the board. I weighed 464 with a BMI of 65 when I had surgery and have lost 254 pounds. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule but I really wouldn't think that there would be a 'too-big' classification considering the alternatives to not having surgery.
Good luck with your journey and feel free to ask any questions.
Tommy, Welcome to the locker room, where men are men and big nasty stinky FARTs are celebrated. You need to talk to bigal2029. He started out at 630+ and is now in the 250 range at goal. I was at 460lbs two years ago and now -241lbs I sit at around 219lbs these days. It can be a long fight but your a young guy, keep at it and remember we are all here to help. We'll offer advice, support, and sometimes a swift kick in the ass if that is what we think you need. I was 47 when I had my surgery and it has really changed my life. I could barely walk to my truck at the end of the work day and now I hike up mountains. So ask away and someone will be happy to help you brother.....

Tommy, Welcome to the Mens board. As hopefully you can already tell there are some great guys in her. I like this little section of OH becouse you can get a straight answer without all the mushy B.S. Keep in touch and make sure to post any questions you may have. I'm sure someone has gone through it and can help.
Welcome to the men’s board Tommy. In 2001 I hit my highest weight at 878 pounds. Without going into great detail here if you want you can check out my profile. I did manage to get into the mid 600 pound range on my own, by working with weight loss doctor, by him putting me on different drugs like wellbutrin, xenical, and meridia. However he didn’t believe in people having bypass surgery. That worked for awhile but then the effects of the drugs started wearing off, and I started yo-yoing with my weight. Then in December of 2005 I found out that one of the local hospitals in my town did bypass surgeries. So I met with the Doctor’s and at that time my weight was 613 pounds. Dr. Hodges told me that he could do my surgery even at my weight, and it may even be possible to do it laparoscopic. That shocked me, but what he told me next blew me away, he said he could see me getting down to 250 pounds. Man I thought this guy was a nut case, there is no way that I could ever get down that low. I would have been happy getting down to 350 or maybe even 300 at the least, but never 250 pounds. Well as it turned out in order for my insurance to pay for the surgery I had to attend a 6 month medically supervised weight loss program, which I did and managed to get down to 544 pounds the day of my surgery. So on November 14, 2006 I had my bypass RNY surgery laparoscopic. Well with a lot of hard work and following the rules, It’s about 13 months since my surgery and I have already hit my goal weight of 250 pounds, with a weight loss of 294 pounds since surgery and a grand total of 628 pounds lost. Guess my doctor wasn’t so crazy after all.
Alan Hartman
Obesity Help. Com Certified Support Group Leader.
OH groups leader of the Men's Locker Room Support Group
Come join the Men’s Locker Room online support group. A place where only us guys can post and talk.
Proud to be in the “Before and After photo section in OH Magazine. (September/October 2009) and in the May 2010 issue of 417 Magazine (Losing it)