Got told to bring it to the Men Forum

on 12/19/07 3:18 pm - Pompano Beach, FL
RNY on 07/23/13
Can you believe it?  I recently joined this site, looking for some people who could share their experiences with me and haven't posted much at all.  I asked the question on the main board:  How big is too big for RNY?  The responses I got were mostly supportive, like you'd expect chicks to be, but this one told me to come here as she's seen several really big guys here.  My question still stands, although I now want to know:  I was called a SMO, what is it and am I one? 

"If you talk to God you're religious. If God talks to you, you're psychotic." - Dr. Gregory House
on 12/19/07 3:44 pm - Syracuse, UT
Hey  their homey I live just north of you . As to what a SMO is i couldent tell you what that is , Dam now I gota now too .    Anyway  welcome to the locker room . There are a whole lot of guys just like you on here ,  (that is the mens board  AKA  the locker room )   I think you will find that there are a lot of us here that dont post on the main board . Theres to much drama there we keep it real here in the locker room .   Its kinda late for some of the other that post here , but by morning I think you will find quit a few people that will RSVP .   Im the late shift on here , and a few others here and there . If I can help in any way you let me know .   I am post op and have been at goal for about a year and a half now .   I only had to lose about  one hundred or so , A light weight LOL .   I guess you can say im one of the old guys here .  As to your question of how big is to big for RNY . I have seen some of the guys in here that were and are as big as you , and have had RNY    Anyway dont be scard to ask any question thats on your mind . Theres is bound to be somebody with an answer , chances are more then one    Again welcome to the locker room .  Nick
Cranky Curmudgeon
on 12/19/07 3:55 pm
Welcome to the locker room.  I'm kind of new too to this forum.  Great group 99% of the time I've read.  Any way, SMO = Super Morbidly Obese and is supposed to be in greatly in excess of 100 pounds overweight.  Generally around 150+ lbs over.  It's not in concrete.  My doc said that 100 to 150 is MO and over 150 overweight is SMO and then if your 250 or more you can be classed as GSMO = grossly super morbidly obese.   Labels. 
on 12/19/07 4:01 pm - Pompano Beach, FL
RNY on 07/23/13
Thanks, bros.  Nick, you getting any more snow yet?  I just moved here form West Texas and am FREEZING!   So if anything, I'm GSMO?  Throw an I in there and I'll just pretend it's Gizmo and the hell with it. 

"If you talk to God you're religious. If God talks to you, you're psychotic." - Dr. Gregory House
on 12/19/07 4:10 pm - Syracuse, UT
OK now i remember .  Gizmo,  that will be your name . LOL LOL LOL LOL WELCOME TO UTAH BUD    Not a whole lot of snow , but its been really cold .    Im a Calif boy myself .    Been here for about 8 yrs now .    The adj was a ***** though . after you loss the weight it gets realllllly       cold too.  Nick
on 12/19/07 4:03 pm - Beijing, China (Mainland)
It has to do with the degree of obesity. A Body Mass Index above 40.0 is considered Severely Morbid Obesity or SMO.  This may vary from chart to chart. Personal advice, don't waste too much time on the Oprah Board. You'll get better answers here, without the touchy feely crap.
Classification BMI
Underweight <18.5
Normal Weight >18.4 - <25
Overweight >24.9 - <30
Obese - Level 1 >29.9 - <35
Obese - Level 2 >34.9 - <40
Morbidly Obese >39.9
on 12/19/07 4:13 pm - Syracuse, UT
LOL LOL   The Oprah board !  Thats funny **** . I think you too will fit right in here CD .   Nick
on 12/19/07 4:17 pm - Pompano Beach, FL
RNY on 07/23/13
Makes sense, thanks.  I think I'll stick with the Gabriel Igelasis chart:  Big, Hefty, Husky, Fluffy, and DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! I can be Damn Fluffy if I want to be.  Check his stuff out if you haven't seen it.  Thankfully I haven't lost my sense of humor and this is funny to me.

"If you talk to God you're religious. If God talks to you, you're psychotic." - Dr. Gregory House
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 10:26 pm - Houston, TX
Hey Tom... Welcome aboard... We got some big guys here....Lyrical dreamer...he just had surgery...he was a big guy...he had rny,,,,Beam me up scotty...he lost a s**t load of weight...he did DS.. a lot of if depends on how your other heath with thte doc, and see what he recomends...I know one doc here in houston, put a lap ban in, lets you drop about a hundred, and then does the RNY...that is an option.... Glad youhave found us....and for the chick board...I don;t know why they would say ask here....(Glad they did) but some of them have their own gravitational field... keep us posted Russ
on 12/19/07 10:35 pm - Upstate, NY
Welcome There are a lot of good folks on this board.  FYI, I was 6 ft. 4 in. and weighed 404 pounds at the time of my surgery and had Lap RNY.  Hope this helps.
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