Obscene Language does not belong on this forum

on 12/19/07 12:12 am - Willingboro, NJ
I know I'll probably take some hits for stating my opinion, but one man used a very obscene word in his response in a thread today.  I don't think it belongs here even though we do call this forum the locker room.  I don't have "virgin" ears and I have been know to say that work on occasion, but I think someone should pause before sending out a reponse like that. We try to encourage each other on this forum.  I would not want to discourage anyone by using such crude language.  Plus, the response seemed to be aimed directly at another man in an open forum.   If you disagree with an individual's response within a thread, you may want to consider whether you should contact that person directly rather than posting your response for everyone to read.
(deactivated member)
on 12/19/07 12:40 am - uranus, CA
RNY on 09/19/06 with
Well this oughta be interesting.... wonder who he could be referring to? 
Scott William
on 12/19/07 1:04 am
I don't mind bad words at all.  Personal attacks are another thing.  I will reserve judgement because I probably don't know all the facts of the case.  It did seem a little over the top, though. As the former vice president of the No-Women on the Men's Board Club, I must say, "no stupid women questions on the men's board".  He was right for trying to boot her!

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on 12/19/07 2:03 am - los angeles, CA
well.......guess i'll chime in here. i just read the post. from day one when i arrived here i remember we kicked off women so we could have our own board. otherwise they would just take over this board too. we had to be tough to keep our board. we made it so distasteful they would never come here to post. sorry but it seemed that's what we had to do. i mean jeez, give us a little space in this world. this was our journey from a man's point of view. can't we have that at least?

as for this post, this is just the kind of crap we don't want coming in here. i see other guys gave a post. fine, maybe the board is changing but a couple years ago, scott, buckeye and a host of others would have used baja's language and then some to keep her out. now if you want a pc board and guys want the women to come here with these lame ass "main board" idiotic, stupid, off topic blathering subjects then i'll accept it. just know i'm gone as will be a lot of the guys. we'll find another board where we can be just ourselves and not bust a gut over what oprah is doing or how we should vote on dancing with the stars! ( some guy actually posted that by the way, i don't think he ever came back....lol.).

remember, we're more concerned with the tube going up capt. winky than we are dying on the table. we know our priorities. see? so everytime i see women posting the proverbial, "does my ass look fat in these" posts i go ballistic. now if a women comes in here with a sincere question i'll be the first to help out. i've lightened up a little. i have no problem with women. i have a problem with this type of dribble taking up our time and energy when we could be talking about farting and making dick jokes. we HAVE to be rude and take a stand like baja just to preserve our territory. i say he's my new hero. sorry scott, you just got bumped! and this has nothing to do with you by the sj. i'm not starting any fight with you. i'm defending his language because it seems we have to do that in order to make our point loud and clear so please don't think i'm bashing you. i'm just making a point that baja made with just a simple sentence....... .carbonblob
Cards Fan
on 12/19/07 2:43 am
I agree 100% - the ladies DO NOT belong here!  To show I'm not a completely heartless ******* I do see some exceptions - those would be legitimate questions re: a friend or loved one who is a member of the Locker Room...or to provide us updates as to the health and well-being of one of our brothers recovering from surgery or having health issues.  This about covers the necessity for a woman venturing onto this hallowed ground. Don't get me wrong I have no problem with women whatsoever!  In fact: "I believe every woman should be placed on a pedestal - high enough so we can see up her skirt!" Still alive, kicking and mostly lurking these days, Cards Fan
on 12/19/07 2:51 am - los angeles, CA
great quote, gonna remember that one! again, well said. that's just the kind of post i respond to when a women posts here. legitimate and helpfull. no fishing allowed. well, i did break my rule with the other lady poster but i liked her spirit.....lol. if you can stand up to us guys with humor, you're something special. i hope she finds a good one.

anyway, you're right, there's a time to be a heartless ******* we have ground to protect here. but we can be compationate too. just not very often! carbonblob (a ***** when he needs to be)
Earl C.
on 12/19/07 6:17 am - Circleville, OH
Carbonblob, "we're more concerned with the tube going up capt. winky than we are dying on the table." That's so true, it's hilarious. Earl The rest of this topic is just bull**** so I think I'll ignore it.
on 12/20/07 2:02 am - los angeles, CA
hence the need for our men's forum eh earl? carbonblob
Scott William
on 12/20/07 1:07 am
"i say he's my new hero. sorry scott, you just got bumped"! DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my own fault.  I just havn't been posting enough to even object.  At least now I have a challange to get back on top! 

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4 full's - 14 halves - 2 goofy's and one Mt. Washington!
on 12/20/07 2:04 am - los angeles, CA
yeah scott,

so sorry but you just dropped the ball around here lately. it's one thing to be preoccupied ******g in your ice cream but if you're to busy with that to chase off the lame main board posters here, well, let's just say you let me and a lot of the guys down. a dark day. i'll be keeping an eye on you when the next oprah post comes along. i just expected better. what a shame.......carbonblob
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